Friday, August 2, 2024

Brockton Welcomes New Bruce Power Regional Soccer Park
Brockton has now opened the new Bruce Power Regional Soccer Park accessible washrooms and change rooms, concession booth, pavilion, equipment storage and is complete with more parking.... The growth of the game of soccer has been massive in the municipality and the new soccer park will provide more than 600 players from age 4 to adults.... 
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Public Health Says Southampton Beach Posted Unsafe For Swimming This Weekend
Public Health Grey Bruce has released a statement saying the Southampton Beach is currently posted as unsafe for swimming. The health unit says, “In consultation with the Town of Saugeen Shores, Grey Bruce Public Health has posted the Southampton Beach as unsafe for swimming after water-sampling results taken Wednesday and received Friday afternoon showed bacterial levels exceeding Ontario Ministry of Health standards....” 
Click Here for More...(97.7theBruce)
5 Huron County Beaches Deemed Unsafe for Swimming
More sampling will be done today but as it stands 5 beaches have been deemed unsafe for swimming across Huron County. Results from a resample on July 31st found Ashfield Township Park, Houston Heights, St Joseph’s, Hay Township Park and Port Blake were all ruled as not safe.... 
Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM)

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