Friday, July 19, 2024

Public Health Urging Food Safety Over the Summer
Huron Perth Public Health is reminding the public to practice food safety over the summer. While many head outdoors to the beach, go camping or just have a get together in the backyard, public health says food needs to the safely stored and served to avoid any illness. Public Health Inspector Chris Boyes says its not uncommon to see an increase in food borne illness cases such as salmonella over the summer months.... 
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Brockton Deputy Mayor Resigns After Integrity Commissioner Report, New Deputy Mayor Appointed
Brockton has appointed a new deputy mayor, following the resignation of James Lang from council. Councillor Kym Hutcheon was sworn in as deputy mayor July 9. Lang resigned from the deputy mayor’s seat following a third-party investigation and integrity commissioner’s report that asserted Lang had contravened a number of provisions of the code of conduct with his behaviour during a Walkerton Capitals hockey game on Dec. 16, 2023.... 
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