Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Province Invests $1.5 Million to Support Six Residential Hospice Beds 01/16/2024 The provincial government is investing $1.5 million in funding to Saugeen Hospice to support the construction of six residential hospice beds to ensure quality end of life care in Brockton. Additional funding will be provided by the Ministry of Health when the build is complete including the operational funding increase of 45 per cent. Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM) |
Huron East Community Improvement Plan Public Meetings 01/16/2024 Huron East residents are being invited to take part in a public open house discussion on the Huron East Community Improvement plan. The CIP encompasses all of the municipality and includes improvement planning tools for both urban and rural areas....There will be two meetings held on January 29th with the first at the Brussels Library Branch from 2-4pm and again from 5-7pm at the Huron East council chambers..... Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM) |
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