Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Kincardine Open House for Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw 10/29/2024 A reminder tonight the Municipality of Kincardine is holding an open house to discuss the draft Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw. Taking place at the municipal administration centre from 2-4pm and again 5-7pm, all are welcome to attend to share your thoughts.... Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM) |
OPP Warn People To Lock Up After Break-In Attempts To Grey Road 18 Homes 10/29/2024 Grey Bruce OPP are reminding people to lock their doors after reports of someone going around to houses on Grey Road 18 trying to get into houses.They say on October 20th, police responded to a report of a break and enter in the Township of Georgian Bluffs... Click Here for More...(97.7theBruce) |
South Bruce Agrees to Host DGR 10/29/2024 The votes are in and South Bruce residents have said they are a willing host for the DGR in a narrow vote. 51 per cent of votes cast expressed the willingness to host the Nuclear Waste Management Organization Deep Geologic Repository with 69 per cent of eligible voters taking part in the referendum.... Click Here for More...(ShorelineClassicsFM) |
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