Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Bruce County Education Property Tax Rate Held Steady
Education property taxes in Bruce County are going to stay the same for the fifth straight year. During Thursday’s county council meeting, council heard a report from the corporate services department regarding a letter from the provincial Ministry of Finance. The tax rate will remain at 0.153 percent, but council says that while it sounds nice for the taxpayer, it isn’t great for municipalities. Kincardine Mayor Ken Craig says that while he doesn’t want to push for a tax increase, “In the last 10 years, our municipality has lost in excess of $700,000 in taxes because of this seemingly great initiative by the province to hold the education tax at the same rate...." 
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International Plowing Match Set for 2026 in Walkerton
The International Plowing Match and Rural Expo is making its return to Bruce County for 2026. This will mark the 50th anniversary of the first IPM held in the county, being the same site near Walkerton as the 1976 event.... 
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Bruce County Launches New Tourism App
Bruce County is launching a new app to help promote tourism in the region. Manager of Economic Development Jeff Loney says the new app, Explore the Bruce Rewards, is intended to cater to visitors to the county and offer various prizes.... 
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