Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Council Accepts DGR Referendum Results
There will be no recount despite some calls from the public regarding the binding results of the Nuclear Waste Management Organizations DGR vote. The public vote was a narrow 51.2 per cent voting in favour of being a willing host for a DGR with 48.8 per cent being against. Council did not budget on a call for a recount in vote which was decided by just 78 votes. “Thanks to strong community participation in the Referendum we have a legally binding conclusion to South Bruce’s willingness process,” said Mayor Mark Goetz. “The Municipality will continue to share information with the community and prepare for next steps in the NWMO’s site selection process....”
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Work Continues To Improve Saugeen Rail Trail
The Saugeen Rail Trail Association has been hard at work, improving the trail, and has more plans for next year.  The Association President Dela Avle.... said over the course of 2024 they upgraded the trail surface between the 10th Concession and Highway 21, including extensive tree trimming. They also planted 20 trees and 20 shrubs along trail. They continue to do ongoing trail and garden maintenance and safety inspections.... 
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